Monday, October 14, 2013

By considering the focus of a character’s attention, could a reader’s interpretation of a novel be drastically altered?

            “Some people were more liable to be upset or disgusted than others. Without caution, a reliance on personal and literary documents made by (potentially) hyper-sensitive individuals might lead to an exaggeration of the prevalence of nuisances and susceptibilities to annoyance and disturbance.”
The City in a Hubbub pages 1-2

“…so that I was doom’d, by marriage articles, to have my nose squeez’d as flat to my face, as if the destinies had actually spun me without one.”
Tristram Shandy page 29

 “..He will moreover have various
            Accounts to reconcile:
            Anecdotes to pick up:
            Inscriptions to make out:
            Stories to weave in:
            Traditions to sift:
            Personages to call upon…”
Tristram Shandy page 26

            In order to understand a novel, one must consider many different aspects of the author’s intentions in portraying the character’s attention. The first quote describes the complexity in interpreting history based on human experience alone. This complexity lies in the variation of human attention, such as a negative individual’s exaggerated irritation or an excess of compassion in the opinion of a doting mother. Authors can manipulate this variation in focus in order to portray a character’s true nature. In the novel Tristram Shandy, the main character speaks in a very dramatic, self aware manner. He speaks as if his life, in its entirety, is a tale of doom and destiny. The narrator’s constant focus on himself and his tale implies that he is giving his account of events in the manner that suits this type of individual, perhaps denying other valid interpretations. This gives the reader an understanding of his own personal identity and allows the reader to view the rest of the novel through this lens of understanding. Additionally, the author mentions directly that history can only be interpreted with the complex interpretation of numerous accounts and cultural biases, suggesting that the reader should consider the point of view of the novel itself. In considering the portrayal of a character’s attention in a novel, the reader can grasp the true meaning intended by the author.

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